Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. Gardening can be considered both as an art. The earliest surviving detailed garden plan, dating from about 1400 BCE, is of a garden belonging to an Egyptian high court official at Thebes. Gardening is a habit that can feed the soul. This is a collection of 22 gardening quotes and sayings.

Practice Quotes and Sayings
Dolly Parton Quotes and Sayings
Gratitude Quotes and Sayings
Sometimes Quotes and Sayings
Nerdy Quotes and Sayings
Proposal Quotes and Sayings
Sylvia Plath Quotes and Sayings
Understanding Quotes and Sayings

Gardening is the purest of human pleasures. - Francis Bacon
Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas. - Elizabeth Murray
Gardening has a magical quality when you are a child. - Barbara Damrosch
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. - Alfred Austin
Gardening imparts an organic perspective on the passage of time. - William Cowper
Who loves a garden loves a greenhouse too. - William Cowper
There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments. - Janet Kilburn Phillips
Gardening simply does not allow one to be mentally old, because too many hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. - Allan Armitage
The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies. - Gertrude Jekyll
Gardening is learning, learning, learning. That's the fun of them. You're always learning. - Helen Mirren
Successful gardening is doing what has to be done when it has to be done the way it ought to be done whether you want to do it or not. - Jerry Baker
Gardening is not a rational act. - Margaret Atwood
The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly. - William Wordsworth
Gardening requires lots of water -- most of it in the form of perspiration. - Lou Erickson
What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back, with a hinge in it. - Charles Dudley Warner
Gardening is ultimately a folly whose goal is to provide delight. - Deborah Needleman
All gardening is landscape painting. - William Kent
Gardening always has been an art, essentially. - Robert Irwin
Gardening is easy. Stick it in the ground the right way up and most plants will grow perfectly well. - Monty Don
We know that gardening is good for you. It is fantastic, all-round exercise. - Monty Don
Gardening is one of my enduring, favourite, and most rewarding pastimes. - Jane Hawking
Gardening is inevitably a process of constant, remorseless change. - Monty Don
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