Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. This sign on average is
between September 23 and October 22. This is a collection of quotes on libra and
libra sayings for fun.

Blaze all way to the Libra back to the cheater. - Horoscope Sayings
As a Libra you win people over with your charm. - Horoscope Sayings
A libra is skilled enough to be one step ahead, but make you believe they are
one step behind. - Horoscope Sayings
Libras receive great pleasure by pleasing and helping others. - Horoscope
Libras hate to see others hurting, but when you irritate them their temper can
be destructive. - Horoscope Sayings
No need to give Libra orders. They won't obey them anyway. - Horoscope Sayings
After the worst fight, Libra can always forgive you. - Horoscope Sayings
The sense of justice is one of Libra's greatest virtues, and also a flaw. -
Horoscope Sayings
Libra wants to fly always high, but at the same time is dependent of others. -
Horoscope Sayings
Libra: probably the most civilized sign of the zodiac. - Horoscope Sayings
Libras enjoy small things, and the happiness of others. - Horoscope Sayings
When Libra are upset, all calm is gone. - Horoscope Sayings
Libra is sanity, but with doses of madness in small amounts. - Horoscope
Libra, pleasure can lead you to commit excesses. - Horoscope Sayings
To know what a Libra is like in love, let yourself be seduced by them. -
Horoscope Sayings
For Libra, things aren't always white or black. - Horoscope Sayings
Libra wants and can't, Libra can and won't. - Horoscope Sayings
Libra hates routine and likes to do different things. - Horoscope Sayings
You won't realize that a Libra is suffering until they tell you. - Horoscope
Don't trust a Libra to look like they're not getting it. - Horoscope Sayings
Libra may change their mind overnight. - Horoscope Sayings
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