Participation is the first step to win. Participation is sometimes the winning. This is a collection of 27 quotes on participation and participation sayings.

Participation in and of itself is an act against hopelessness. Speaking up is
a gesture against hopelessness. - Anohni
Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control. - Howard
Participation trophies are the soul herpes of a generation. - Christopher
It is only by participation in a rational, practice-based community that one
becomes rational. - Alasdair MacIntyre
Life is a flow of love, only your participation is requested. - Harbhajan
Singh Yogi
People's participation is the essence of good governance. - Narendra Modi

Participation - that's what's gonna save the human race. - Pete Seeger
Participation in a society is not an artistic choice, it's a human need. - Ai
Any participation, even in the smallest public function, is useful. - John
Stuart Mill
Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than
believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive:
forget. Do more than dream: work. - William Arthur Ward
Genuine forgiveness is participation, reunion overcoming the powers of
estrangement. . . We cannot love unless we have accepted forgiveness, and the
deeper our experience of forgiveness is, the greater is our love. - Paul
Conflict cannot survive without your participation. - Wayne Dyer
Personal participation is the universal principle of knowing. - Michael
Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all
our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situations of
experience its own full and unique meaning. - John Dewey
To further the appreciation of culture among all the people, to increase
respect for the creative individual, to widen participation by all the
processes and fulfillments of art this is one of the fascinating challenges of
these days. - John F. Kennedy
Philanthropy isn't just about big gifts; it's about participation. It is about
the grace that comes from working together. - Marc Benioff
One hour of life, crowded to the full with glorious action, and filled with
noble risks, is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum,
in which men steal through existence, like sluggish waters through a marsh,
without either honor or observation. - Walter Scott
If there is no freedom of expression, then the beauty of life is lost.
Participation in a society is not an artistic choice, it’s a human need. - Ai
It may be possible through detachment, to gain knowledge that is 'useful;' but
only through participation is it possible to gain the knowledge that is
helpful. - Harry Stack Sullivan
Only a peace between equals can last. Only a peace the very principle of which
is equality and a common participation in a common benefit. - Woodrow Wilson
Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, all the time. -
Hillary Clinton
We want to govern with our indigenous ancestors' models: That means a
different concept of participation, community work and honesty. - Evo Morales
Openness and participation are antidotes to surveillance and control. - Howard
Poetry is my understanding with the world, my intimacy with things, my
participation in what is real, my engagement with voices and images. - Sophia
de Mello Breyner Andresen
If a blending of individualism and of cooperative participation is a
prerequisite to a democratic solution of the problems of a society of free
men, it must also be noted that an atmosphere of freedom is required if these
problems are to be met constructively and as they arise. - Marshall Field
There are many types of participation. One can observe so intensely that one
becomes part of the action, but without being an active participant. - Jerzy
The village had institutionalized all human functions in forms of low
intensity.... Participation was high and organization was low. This is the
formula for stability. - Marshall McLuhan
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