Saying sorry is the best way to be happy. Say sorry if you hurt someone, say sorry even if you didn't. Saying sorry doesn't insult you it empowers you. Admitting your faults is the crucial first step towards making things right once again. Matters of love can be complicated. If you’re the one who owes an apology, make it count. This is a collection of 13 "I am sorry" quotes and 17 "I am sorry" messages.

"I am Sorry" Messages :
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I am sorry for the pain I caused you, I feel so bad. - Gabor Timis
When you forgive, you free your soul. But when you say I’m sorry, you free two souls. - Donald L. Hicks
3. It’s very hard for me to say I’m sorry… but I do. - Joe Nichols
I’m sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime. - Keanu Reeves
I am immensely contrite. And I’m sorry for the damage I’ve done. - Jayson Blair
I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it. Hina Kanwal
When I say, ‘I’m sorry,’ it’s because I regret something. - Luis Suarez
I’m not very good at saying sorry, but I apologize. - Chris Kurtz
I am sorry for what has happened and I know that I need some help. - Susan Smith
Be the hero of hearts; learn to say I’m sorry. - Richelle E. Goodrich
I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don’t have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn’t pawn this off on anybody. I’m sorry it happened. And I hurt people. - Louie Anderson
Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words. - Rachel Vincent

"I am Sorry" Messages :
I was wrong and behaved like a fool! I’m so sorry.
When I lost you, I realized that only with you, I felt alive. I’m sorry for the pain and resentment, I love you.
I am sorry that I’ve let you down, give me the chance to change your mind about me.
Sweetheart, all I want is to be with you for the rest of my life. I’m sorry, I love you.
An apology is the least I can do but it’s a start. Let me tell you that I fully understand how silly and inappropriate I acted, I love you more than everything. I’m so sorry.
How much do I love you? So much! I’m so sorry for what I said. Please forgive me.
You are the whole world to me. I’m so sorry for what I have done. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me when you are ready.
When you cry, the part of my soul dies, I never wanted to cause your tears, forgive me, my love, I understood my mistakes.
Tonight, the sea breeze will touch your lips and caress your hair, you’ll hear how it would whisper: “Forgive me”.
My heart is crying without you and the world around has dimmed. I’m sorry for what I did! I love you. I know I’ve done it before but I will really work on never doing it again.
I’m sorry for hurting you. Let forgiveness in your heart replace the anger in your soul. You are my treasure, forgive me.
I care for you more than anything. I’m deeply sorry for hurting you… I hope when you feel ready you can forgive me.
I know you’re angry now, but I want you to know that I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry for hurting you. I am ready to make amends.
I’m sorry. I constantly want to talk to you. I’m sorry when you take long to reply, I get sad. I’m sorry if I say things that might piss you off. I’m sorry if I come off as annoying. I’m sorry if you don’t wanna talk to me as much as I wanna talk to you. I’m sorry if I tell you about my pointless drama when you don’t really care. I’m sorry if I come off as being clingy, but it’s just me missing you.
I know that words do not diminish the pain I caused you, but, nevertheless, I am so sorry… I love you.
I value our relationship more than I value you my ego. I should have apologized for a way before today. I’m so sorry.
Let my apology fly to you through kilometers and I hope that it touches the strings of your soul. You are a great woman and a great person, I hope that we will be together.
You mean the world to me, sorry for being so rude, our happiest days still lie ahead of us, I love you.
Sorry doesn’t prove anything unless you mean it.
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