Heros are always there to save the world. Actually, in life, we all are heroes
of our own story. We solve our own problems and we help ourselves. This is a
collection of heroes' quotes and sayings.

A hero is a man who is afraid to run away. - English Proverb
The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways. - Gene
No hero is mortal till he dies. - W. H. Auden
It's great to play the hero. You get all the good stuff. You're in it all the
way through. - Jason Statham
Show me a hero and I'll write you a tragedy. - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Man, in the collective sense, is the hero of science. Man, in the collective
sense, is the hero of Earth. - Jacque Fresco
7. You cannot be a hero without being a coward. - George Bernard Shaw
Be your own hero, it's cheaper than a movie ticket. - Douglas Horton
Everyone deserves to be the hero of a novel. - William Nicholson
A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minutes longer.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward
like everybody else. - Umberto Eco
Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth. - Will Rogers
Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is, therefore, well described
as a series of glorious defeats. - Mahatma Gandhi
A hero that doesn't look like you makes you want to be something else. - Jon
M. Chu
Heroes are created by popular demand, sometimes out of the scantiest
materials. - Gerald W. Johnson
Hero shows you how to solve the problem - yourself. - Jet Li
Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story. - John Barth
A hero is one who knows how to hang on one minute longer. - Novalis
To be a hero or a heroine, one must give an order to oneself. - Simone Weil
The hero shows us what we ought to be, and we make him a hero because we wish
to be what he is. - Richard C. Crepeau
Hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the 'hero'
within us is revealed. - Bob Riley
A hero is a man who does what he can. - Romain Rolland
What is a hero without love for mankind. - Doris Lessing
You have to do bad things in order to become a hero. You have to make
sacrifices. - John Barrowman
Despite our hard work and the number of hours we put in, content is the hero
of every show. - Sriti Jha
Everyone thinks they're the hero in their own story. - Joe Keery
There's no hero without a villain. - Mark Pellegrino
A father is always going to be a hero to his son. - Yoel Romero
Being a hero is about the shortest lived profession on earth. - Will Rogers
Heroes are not known by the loftiness of their carriage; the greatest
braggarts are generally the merest cowards. - Jean Jacques Rousseau
Walt Disney was my great hero. - Stanislav Grof
Every hero becomes a bore at last. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
History will decide if I'm a villain or a hero. - Harlan Ellison
We relish news of our heroes, forgetting that we are extraordinary to somebody
too. - Helen Hayes
Our admiration is so given to dead martyrs that we have little time for living
heroes. - Elbert Green Hubbard
Don't forget, you are the hero of your own story. - Greg Boyle
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