Bond is something special. Bond is something that connects people. This is a collection of 29 Bond quotes and sayings.

Bond is fantasy. - Roger Moore
We are each other's magnitude and bond. - Gwendolyn Brooks
The only bond worth anything between human beings is their humanness. - Jesse Owens
A friend is an emotional bond, just like friendship is a human experience. - Simon Sinek

A bond between souls is ancient - older than the planet. - Dianna Hardy
Love is the bond of perfection. - John Winthrop
You don't build a bond without being present. - James Earl Jones
Bond was escapism, but not meant to be imitated in real life. - Roger Moore

Some bonds are too deep for others to ever understand. - Soman Chainani
Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words. - Rumi
Being eternally known as Bond has no downside. - Roger Moore
There is not enough magic in a bloodline to forge an instant, irrevocable bond. - James Earl Jones
There was no greater bond than one that required your life for another's. - Stephenie Meyer
Together we shared a bond not even death would violate. - Dee Remy
Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond. - Itohan Eghide
A true family can find each other anywhere. For genuine bonds, time and distance don't matter. - Tamuna Tsertsvadze
Time doesn’t measure friendship, bonds and feelings do. - Tamuna Tsertsvadze
Bond always mistrusted short men. - Ian Fleming
A secure attachment is the ability to bond; to develop a secure and safe base. - Asa Don Brown
There are three things in this world that engender deep emotional bonds between people. They are health, wealth and children. - Keith Ferrazzi
Integrity is the bond of trust. - Richie Norton
Fathers and daughters have a special bond.
She is always daddy's little girl. - Richard L. Ratliff
She is always daddy's little girl. - Richard L. Ratliff
A proper bond between two people is severely damaged if the process is rushed. - James Dobson
Love is the strongest bond. Nothing can break it, not even death. - Debasish Mridha
There is a bond of fellowship in sorrow that knows no conventionality. - Harold Bell Wright
Peace is the simplicity of heart, serenity of mind, tranquility of soul, the bond of love. - Pio of Pietrelcina
We love our dear ones deeply and miss them when they leave us. But we know that the bond of love is greater than death. - Harold Klemp
Prosperity's the very bond of love. - William Shakespeare
Nothing better forges a bond of love, friendship or respect than common hatred toward something. - Anton Chekhov
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