Legacy is something special. Something memorable and something special. legacy is what you will leave behind. This is a collection of 30 Legacy quotes and sayings.

Legacy is the ultimate person we become. - Mecha Constantine
Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds
of others and the stories they share about you. - Shannon Alder
No legacy is so rich as honesty. - William Shakespeare
We must begin thinking like a river if we are to leave a legacy of beauty and
life for future generations. - David Brower

Our greatest legacy is what we do to change ourselves. - Alan Maiccon
Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends.It's the
longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs. - Steve Saint
Make a difference, change the game for the better, leave a legacy, be a guide
that someone else can follow and make better, and then someone else will
follow that and make that better. - Carlos Wallace
Ambition's ambition is immortality. To create an eternal legacy. - Renzo Dante

Legacy is the responsibility of the living!
A fool is a man who disregards legacy. - Daniel V Chappell
Entrepreneurs should always aim to play the long game. Instant gratification
cannot build a legacy. - Andrena Sawyer
Legacy. What a meaningless thing. All that work for a future in which they
don’t appear. - Matt Haig

Every life a legacy, every small business a school. - Michael Gerber
Don't just build a career, build a legacy. - Abhijit Naskar
It can take a lifetime to build something worthwhile. Those who stick with it,
build a legacy without regrets. - Trevor Carss
The choices we make about the lives we live determine the kinds of legacies we
leave. - Tavis Smiley
Common leaders become successful. Remarkable leaders leave a legacy. - Alan
Even though our time in this life is temporary, if we live well enough, our
legacy will last forever. - Idowu Koyenikan
Inspired by Leaving a Legacy. - Stephanie Lahart
It is in the dreams that you create today that leave behind your legacy. -
Avina Celeste
The legacy left by man shall be barren earth; empty buildings; a toxic
landscape; acidic seas and oceans; unbreathable air; no recognizable life and
full bank vaults of gold & money. - Anthony T.Hincks
It is foolish to pretend that the legacies of colonialism can be consistently
erased without a trace. - Partha Chatterjee
Are you living for leisure or leaving a legacy? - Will Craig
You cannot control your parentage, but you can control your legacy. - Rick
Legacy is more than leaving possessions behind. It's about investing in people
with passion and integrity through leadership and love. - Farshad Asl
Living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal. - Rick Warren
Love it, Do it, Be in it, Become it until it regenerates in your legacy. -
Goitsemang Mvula
It is important to leave behind a rich and memorable legacy than just
accumulated history! - Sanjai Velayudhan
The earth is hiring and the pay is your legacy. - Shannon L. Alder
The kind of legacy you leave will only reflect the kind of life you lived. -
Andrena Sawyer
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