Sacrifice is an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity. To sacrifice means leaving anything that you can have. But for greater aspect we choose to sacrifice things. Sacrifice is one of the most beautiful attitude. Below you will find 100+ sacrifice quotes. This sayings and quotes on sacrifice can inspire us to identify when it is important to sacrifice.

1. You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it. Lionel Messi
2. Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else. Mitch Albom
3. The ultimate test of man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard. Gaylord Nelson
4. Brotherhood means laying down your life for somebody, really willing to sacrifice yourself for somebody else. Tim Hetherington
5. Nobody knows you as well as our spouse. And that means no one will be quicker to recognize a change when you deliberately start sacrificing your wants and wishes to make sure his or her needs are met. Stephen Kendrick,The Love Dare
6. People who put themselves on the line and sacrifice their own safety for the greater good and for others, and anyone in any profession whose concern is the welfare for other people instead of the individual, are inspiring and important. Chris Hemsworth
7. Everyone knows the beautiful story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. How this noble father led his child to the slaughter; how Isaac meekly submitted; how the farce went on till the lad was bound and laid on the altar, and how God then stopped the murder, and blessed the intending murderer for his willingness to commit the crime. Annie Besant
8. As soon as sacrifice becomes a duty and necessity to mankind. I see no limit to the horizon which opens before him. Ernest Renan
9. The sacrifice which causes sorrow to the doer of the sacrifice is no sacrifice. Real sacrifice lightens the mind of the doer and gives him a sense of peace and joy. The Buddha gave up the pleasures of life because they had become painful to him. Mahatma Gandhi
10. Regardless of the advertising campaigns may tell us, we can't have it all. Sacrifice is not an option, or an anachronism; it's a fact of life. We all cut off our own limbs to burn on some altar. The crucial thing is to choose an altar that's worth it and a limb you can accept losing. To go consenting to the sacrifice. Tana French
11. The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
12. Sometimes in life, you do things you don't want to. Sometimes you sacrifice, sometimes you compromise. Sometimes you let go and sometimes you fight. It's all about deciding what's worth losing and what's worth keeping. Lindy Zart
13. Sacrifice still exists everywhere, and everywhere the elect of each generation suffers for the salvation of the rest. Henri Frederic Amiel
14. Sacrifice, which is the passion of great souls, has never been the law of societies.
15. Self sacrifice is the real miracle out of which all the reported miracles grow. Ralph Waldo Emerson
16. Nothing great was ever achieved without a personal sacrifice. You have to pay the price to realize your goals. Lailah Gifty Akita
17. In order for you to receive, someone else has to give. That's called sacrifice. Todd Stocker
18. Sacrifice is the most beautiful situation and solution for all social problems. Kartik Mehta
19. They warn you that you're gonna have to make sacrifices, but i guess that means different things to different people, like giving up something you really want now for something you've wanted your whole life, or spending less time on yourself, so you can spend more time with someone you love. At some point you might even have to give up your own sense of safety and well being, but after a while it doesn't feel like you're giving up anything at all. Scrubs J.D
20. Never sacrifice who you are just because someone else has a problem with it.
21. It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain. Arthur Schopenhauer
22. Success, sacrifice are seldom convenient.
23. No sacrifice no victory.
24. Success necessitates sacrifice. Habeeb Akande
25. It isn’t sacrifice if you love what you’re doing. Mia Hamm
26. Love is sacrifice. Love sacrifices itself for its neighbor.
27. The cause of most of man’s unhappiness is sacrificing what he wants most for what he wants now. Gordon B. Hinckley
28. Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you’re not really losing it. You’re just passing it on to someone else. Mitch Albom
29. Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you. Karl Lagerfeld
30. Sacrifice, which is the passion of great souls, has never been the law of societies. Henri Frederic Amiel
31. Price ain’t merely about numbers. It’s a satisfying sacrifice. Toba Beta
32. Sacrifice is the surrender of that which you value in favor of which you dont. Ayn Rand
33. You can sacrifice and not love. But you cannot love and not sacrifice. Kris Vallotton
34. Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of. Bethany Hamilton
35. Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness. Napoleon Hill
36. Teamwork requires some sacrifice up front; people who work as a team have to put the collective needs of the group ahead of their individual interests. Patrick Lencioni
37. True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice. Sadhu Vaswani
38. Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams. Donovan Bailey
39. Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. Pele
40. Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of. Bethany Hamilton
41. There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice. Simon Sinek
42. A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity. Dan Rather
43. You can't achieve anything in life without a small amount of sacrifice. Shakira
44. Love always involves responsibility, and love always involves sacrifice. And we do not really love Christ unless we are prepared to face His task and to take up His Cross. William Barclay
45. Sustainability can't be like some sort of a moral sacrifice or political dilemma or a philanthropic cause. It has to be a design challenge. Bjarke Ingels
46. Real fatherhood means love and commitment and sacrifice and a willingness to share responsibility and not walking away from one's children. William Bennett
47. He that offereth sacrifice of the goods of the poor is as one that sacrifice the son in the presence of his father. Saint Patrick
48. One who has no love in his heart will try to possess everything for himself. One who has love in his heart is ready to sacrifice everything, including his own body, for the benefit of others. Thiruvalluvar
49. People who put themselves on the line and sacrifice their own safety for the greater good and for others, and anyone in any profession whose concern is the welfare for other people instead of the individual, are inspiring and important. Chris Hemsworth
50. The entrepreneurial life is one of challenge, work, dedication, perseverance, exhilaration, agony, accomplishment, failure, sacrifice, control, powerlessness... but ultimately, extraordinary satisfaction. David S. Rose
51. A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages perseverance. Gary Hamel
52. A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom does not get beaten. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
53. The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
54. Sacrifice, discipline and prayer are essential. We gain strength through God's word. We receive grace from the sacrament. And when we fumble due to sin - and it's gonna happen - confession puts us back on the field. Lou Holtz
55. Racing is a great mania to which one must sacrifice everything, without reticence, without hesitation. Enzo Ferrari
56. If my love is without sacrifice, it is selfish. Such a love is barter, for there is exchange of love and devotion in return for something. It is conditional love. Sadhu Vaswani
57. Reason, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze. Aime Cesaire
58. The idea of redemption is always good news, even if it means sacrifice or some difficult times. Patti Smith
59. To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift. Steve Prefontaine
60. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love. Vince Lombardi
61. Your competition is not other people but the time you kill, the ill will you create, the knowledge you neglect to learn, the connections you fail to build, the health you sacrifice along the path, your inability to generate ideas, the people around you who don't support and love your efforts, and whatever god you curse for your bad luck. James Altucher
62. In order to become prosperous, a person must initially work very hard, so he or she has to sacrifice a lot of leisure time. Dalai Lama
63. What you're willing to sacrifice is the measurement of how you love - at least it is for me. Jada Pinkett Smith
64. I have sacrificed not only my favorite scheme of life, but the softer affections of the heart, and my prospects of domestic happiness, and I am ready to sacrifice my life also, with cheerfulness, if that forfeiture could restore peace and good will among mankind. John Paul Jones
65. For me, no ideological or political conviction would justify the sacrifice of a human life. For me, the value of life is absolute, with no concessions. It's not negotiable. Edgar Ramirez
66. Sacrifice to me is something you do without expecting something in return. Marilyn Manson
67. When I hear people talk about juggling, or the sacrifices they make for their children, I look at them like they're crazy, because 'sacrifice' infers that there was something better to do than being with your children. Chris Rock
68. It is not enough to say we must not wage war. It is necessary to love peace and sacrifice for it. Martin Luther King, Jr.
69. People cannot be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interests to guarantee the freedom of others. The price of democracy is the ongoing pursuit of the common good by all of the people. Saul Alinsky
70. Sacrifice to me is something you do without expecting something in return. Marilyn Manson
71. Life is only a long and bitter suicide, and faith alone can transform this suicide into a sacrifice. Franz Liszt
72. When you make the sacrifice in marriage, you're sacrificing not to each other but to unity in a relationship. Joseph Campbell
73. It is not enough to say we must not wage war. It is necessary to love peace and sacrifice for it. Martin Luther King, Jr.
74. Too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart. O when may it suffice? William Butler Yeats
75. The gospel alone liberates you to live a life of scandalous generosity, unrestrained sacrifice, uncommon valor, and unbounded courage. Tullian Tchividjian
76. The perseverance and the strength and the determination and the sacrifice that so many millions of people have had to endure to form this country is far greater than anything that we can really imagine. Nancy Dubuc
77. People sacrifice the present for the future. But life is available only in the present. That is why we should walk in such a way that every step can bring us to the here and the now. Thich Nhat Hanh
78. Life is only a long and bitter suicide, and faith alone can transform this suicide into a sacrifice. Franz Liszt
79. People cannot be free unless they are willing to sacrifice some of their interests to guarantee the freedom of others. The price of democracy is the ongoing pursuit of the common good by all of the people. Saul Alinsky
80. Sacrifice to me is something you do without expecting something in return. Marilyn Manson
81. The law of sacrifice is uniform throughout the world. To be effective it demands the sacrifice of the bravest and the most spotless. Mahatma Gandhi
82. The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar. Jimi Hendrix
83. You always have to sacrifice something when you want to achieve something. Rita Ora
84. In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom. It is not always an easy sacrifice. Richard Bach
85. No idea can succeed except at the expense of sacrifice; no one ever escapes without enduring strain from the struggle of life. Ernest Renan
86. Living is strife and torment, disappointment and love and sacrifice, golden sunsets and black storms. I said that some time ago, and today I do not think I would add one word. Laurence Olivier
87. Only by acknowledging the success and sacrifice made by those who came before us can we fully understand what we must do to ensure the liberty of those who will succeed us. Yvette Clarke
88. We all naturally want to become successful... we also want to take shortcuts. And it's easy to do so, but you can never take away the effort of hard work and discipline and sacrifice. Apolo Ohno
89. The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness. Arthur Schopenhauer
90. That freedom can never be attained by a nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent tragic happenings in this subcontinent. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
91. It is not sacrifice if you love what you're doing. Mia Hamm
92. Ascetics and fakirs come to mitigate human suffering; to heal us and lead us on the path. They put up with criticism; they go through many worldly trials. Some of them have even become martyrs for our sake. But they have done all this with a smile and with gratitude to God. Hence sacrifice is a great virtue. Sadhu Vaswani
93. I think there's no sacrifice too great for family, whether it's career, singing, whatever. Anita Baker
94. You have to execute. You have to sacrifice your body. Pedro Martinez
95. The accounting of the sacrifice is, more than anything else, the attitude toward war memorials in our time. Friedrich St. Florian
96. Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience. Thomas Merton
97. Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one; the man who requires you to do so is dearly purchased at a sacrifice. Robert E. Lee
100. While it is desirable to build up the colored race, we must not sacrifice our best and purest white friends. Hiram Rhodes Revels
101. An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life. Jose Marti
102. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we are grateful that such men and women were among us. For those who continue to serve, we honor their commitment. For those who return to civilian life, we honor their service. Steve Buyer
103. Being selfish to me means that you have to look out for yourself and you don't have to sacrifice. Herbie Mann
104. History has taught us over and over again that freedom is not free. When push comes to shove, the ultimate protectors of freedom and liberty are the brave men and women in our armed forces. Throughout our history, they've answered the call in bravery and sacrifice. Tim Pawlenty
105. For those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we are grateful that such men and women were among us. For those who continue to serve, we honor their commitment. For those who return to civilian life, we honor their service. Steve Buyer
106. If you win without sacrifice you enjoy it but it's more satisfying when you have struggled. Andres Iniesta
107. To be able to throw one's self away for the sake of a moment, to be able to sacrifice years for a woman's smile - that is happiness. Hermann Hesse
108. It is a clear gain to sacrifice pleasure in order to avoid pain. Arthur Schopenhauer
109. I think that the present is worth attention, one shouldn't sacrifice it to future conceptions of, of this future or that future. Tom Stoppard
110. He who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self sacrifice. Henry Taylor
111. There's only one effectively redemptive sacrifice, the sacrifice of self-will to make room for the knowledge of God. Aldous Huxley
112. Parenthood involves massive sacrifice: money, attention, time and emotional energy. Jonathan Sacks
113. The sacrifice of our personal liberty for security is and will forever be a false choice. Rand Paul
114. A team will always appreciate a great individual if he's willing to sacrifice for the group. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
115. The biggest sacrifice to me is to not be in an atmosphere where I can keep writing and moving forward. Trey Anastasio
116. Not only do you have to put yourself in harms way in service of your country, you have to leave your families at home. It is a great sacrifice. Fred Wilson
117. If I have nothing to sacrifice, I have nothing to gain. Catherine Ndereba
118. Patriotism demands of us sustained sacrifice. Chiang Kai-shek
119. Mankind deserves sacrifice - but not of mankind. Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
120. I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism. Bob Riley
121. Prosperity or egalitarianism - you have to choose. I favor freedom - you never achieve real equality anyway: you simply sacrifice prosperity for an illusion. Mario Vargas Llosa
122. Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another - too often ending in the loss of both. Tryon Edwards
123. In everyday things the law of sacrifice takes the form of positive duty. James Anthony Froude
124. A sacrifice is best refuted by accepting it. Wilhelm Steinitz
125. Self-sacrifice enables us to sacrifice other people without blushing. George Bernard Shaw
126. If you choose to do something, then you shouldn't say it's a sacrifice, because nobody forced you to do it. Aung San Suu Kyi
127. Sacrifice still exists everywhere, and everywhere the elect of each generation suffers for the salvation of the rest. Henri Frederic Amiel
128. A pure sacrifice is what is done for only weak.
129. Freedom is fragile and must be protected. To sacrifice it, even as a temporary measure, is to betray it. Germaine Greer
130. Sacrifice counts for a lot in sport. From a young age, I couldn't do the normal things that the boys of my age get to do. Maybe you have a nice car or a nice house, but at times you just want to be a normal guy and you can't. Mario Balotelli
131. We performers sacrifice so much for your entertainment. Rose McGowan
132. The only question to ask yourself is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve this success? Larry Flynt
133. There is no sense to a sacrifice after you come to feel that it is a sacrifice. Stefan Zweig
134. In society, there is enormous pressure for us to try and look good, to be politically correct, to say the right things, to be polite and basically to sacrifice ourselves on the way. Thalia
135. Who sacrifices their live for truth, is immortal .
136. Only sacrifice can purify a soul.
137. You can understand a traitor by their attitude, they don't sacrifice .
138. A common creation demands a common sacrifice, and perhaps not the least potent argument in favour of a constructed international language is the fact that it is equally foreign, or apparently so, to the traditions of all nationalities. Edward Sapir
139. A common creation demands a common sacrifice, and perhaps not the least potent argument in favour of a constructed international language is the fact that it is equally foreign, or apparently so, to the traditions of all nationalities. Edward Sapir
140. You don't have to sacrifice who you are to follow your beliefs. Bryan Clay
142. There has to be a way to live the life you're accustomed to and not sacrifice things. Americans are not very good about sacrificing. Barry Sternlicht
142. I know the word 'sacrifice.' Brian Kilmeade
143. With sacrifice and work, anything can be done. Angel Cabrera
144. That every person is desirous to obtain, with as little sacrifice as possible, as much as possible of the articles of wealth. Nassau William Senior
145. There is no rank in sacrifice. Josephus Daniels
146. In life, you don't get anywhere or do anything you hope to without some sort of sacrifice. Stephen Saad
147. A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused. Nigel Short
148. Revolutions require work, revolutions require sacrifice, revolutions, and our own included, require a certain amount of rationing, a certain amount of calluses, a certain amount of sacrifice. Lee Harvey Oswald
149. Sacrifice is the path of supreme achievement
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